Hi my all, I will gonna write my blog review about this Mirabella Skincare Set. I been a bit moody and feeling worry about my blog because I have no idea why my blog being locked so sudden during the next day I got my new laptop. But I try to be optimistic and hope Google can review nicely my blog and faster unlock back!!

Thanks Hishop again sponsor this product for me. I always excited about receiving product from them. Because Hishop is a successful online blog shop selling many beauty and wellness product as well. This time I will be reviewing about this skincare set from Mirabella. 

What do you girls think about skin care set? It is convenient to use? For me if you are a a girl who loves travel or often have to stay between hostel and home. Sometimes packing need use up alot of energy and time. As for all the girls, we have to really take good care of our skin that is why we always have to bring our own Skin Care Product everywhere we went. A Skin Care Set is really perfect for travel and even moving around because it was small, well prepared and so convenient!

The front design of the box.