Back to my Bangkok post where in this post I will summarise all the three cafes I visited during my Bangkok time in July. During our 4 days 3 nights at Bangkok, we just manage to visit 3 cafes. We are basically very flexible throughout the trip. We will cut off a few places that we already set before our trip if we feeling super exhausted and tired from our shopping trip around Bangkok. Basically, this is not a Cafe Hopping trip, therefore, we did not explore too many cafes in Bangkok. One day I will back to Bangkok for Food trip!

Interior design.

For the first Cafe that I want to introduce is this Chuanpisamai Cafe which is a wedding theme cafe. This cafe is a really pretty and vintage cafe with all the antique decors around the cafe. When we are here, the crowds are pretty full.

Indoor cozy seats and decor.

Outdoor table decor.

We ordered their famous snack but due to they have finish stock for their pancake. They replace with their sweet snack which is the colorful fluffy cotton candy. The drink we order is we saw from our side table and we decide to order this Butterfly Pea Drink.

Our Seat.

I wouldn't say that their food or drink is really nice but the environment wise is a score and really insta worthy too. The food presentation is really super dreamy and cute too! With their environment that are super pretty and vintage vibes, you can see there's a lot of girls taking photos around the cafes too.

Enjoying our tea time at Chuanpisamai Cafe.

Some of the nice pretty spot for a photo shoot!

But my favorite will be this one taken with Olympus Pen EPL9 Portrait Lens.

Chuanpisamai Cafe
Opening Hours
 Tues - Sun 
11am - 9pm

How to Go
I will recommend that you took the train to the cafe nearest station (Ari BTS Station or Sanam Pao). You can call a grab to fetch you from the station to the cafe. You can also walk to the cafe which took us around 20 minutes.

Not sure why there's two cafe entrance, one is here and another one is on the other end. For this one is more tune down with the decor wise as well another one is more fancy and prettier too!

Guess where's our next target for this trip? So yes we manage to visit Unicorn Cafe too as well! I know that the food here is not really the best but we are for photo and checking out this dreamy unicorn cafe as well.

Love this super romantic chandelier. All of their corners decorate until very princessy and girlish. Which all the princess or unicorn dream girls will love this cafe a lot!

To be honest, this place is really too pretty to resist! If you are a unicorn lover and love pink cafes, I will urge you to visit here. I just love every corner of this cafe with the wallpaper that comes in all the colorful unicorns too.

The food that we order from the cafe! Yes as you see how colorful our food are, we order just for photo sake. Taste wise definitely not the best that we have tried today.

You can also rent their unicorn outfit and take photos inside the cafe too! We brought our own unicorn hairband all the way here.

Unicorn Cafe
Opening Hours
Tues - Sun
12pm - 8pm

How to Go
Take the train to the latest train Station (Chong Nonsi) near the cafe and we get a tuk-tuk from the train station to Unicorn Cafe. Outside the Unicorn Cafe, there will be also a few tuk-tuks waited outside  

Move on to the last cafe that we visit on our last day. This B-Story Cafe is pretty near to our hotel so we basically put it at the end of our trip since our flight is around evening time.

This cafe comes in two floors of the dining area. We are here on the second floor of the cafe. The decor of the cafe is really vintage and country vibes. 

Our lunch of the day with salads and fried rice. Pretty much full because we eat and drink before we cafe hopping here. 

Order this just for the cute coffee latte art they do! Isn't this so cute!

On our seat area, you will see a lot of bears plushy as a decor on the sofa seat.

Moving to the first floor, they have one outdoor private sitting for those who prefer to sit outdoors. There's more natural lighting for you to shoot more OOTDs shot here too. The decor here is filled with the plants and garden feel here.

My favorite corner with my favorite shot of us both!

Even the stairs here is so insta worthy! That we also take a few shots here on the stairs. It's really rare to search for a cafe which opens on a Monday because the previous one we went all close on Monday.

Some of the pretty corners on the first floor.

B-Story Cafe
Open Hours
10am - 11pm

How to go
Take to Ratchatewi BTS station and the cafe just beside!

That's all for my short post about the cafes I visited during my Bangkok trip. Feel free to check out their Instagram for more nice insta worthy photo. I did a lookbook video in all three of the cafes too! I will link all down below.

Till Then

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