Before I continue my Korea post, I want to share with you guys all the outfits I wear during my Korea trip on January 2019. The weather there can be - 3-degree midnight to 6 degrees in the day time. You can see there's a big difference in temperature from day to night. This is my first-time travel during winter time. The reason we plan for our winter trip is we want to try skiing and the second is we want to experience snow! Even though the snow experience we had is not a lot, but we are still enjoying and excited about it.

在我还没继续我的韩国旅程文章, 就想在这里分享我的韩国冬天穿搭。最冷可以到零下至六度,可以看到温差是差很多的吖。这还是我第一次到冬天的国家,当然想来韩国就是想滑雪和体验下雪。虽然没看到很浓厚的雪,但是我们还是挺享受整个旅途的。

Day 1 Korea OOTD 第一天穿搭

Even though it is a sunny day at Nami Island, but since it is an island. The cold wind there surely is windy and breezy. Too bad that we didn't bring any face mask there. So for my first-day outfit, it was a tough plan because the first day is where we flew from KLIA to Seoul. So I have to plan ahead what's the best outfit to wear in KLIA and we can do a quick change when we landed at Incheon airport. 


I wear a total of three layers of pieces of clothes. For my inner, I wear a purple checkers top and a warm heat tech from Uniqlo. When I reach Incheon airport, I straight wear over this thick white sweater and my winter outer jacket. Layering is always the best way to keep yourself warm. Therefore I spend a lot of time to stalk other fashion style page and scrolls Taobao to look for the perfect layering style that I can wear to Korea. 


With different layers of color and texture underneath the winter outer, your outfit will look more put together instead of wearing boring winter outfit.


For my bottom, I wear a heat warm legging under my black jeans, heat warm socks and a pair of winter boots. Everything from Taobao.


Caramel Brown Winter Outer Jacket (LINK)
Purple Checkers (LINK)
White Sweaters (LINK)
Black Winter Boots (LINK)

Products might be Out of Stock. But I will still put the link for references.

Day 2 Korea OOTD 第二天穿搭

For my second day, I only wear two layers of clothes. For the inner heat warm wear that I wear is thicker and for the coral hoodie I wear outside is also a thicker version for the winter season. I bought another outerwear from Taobao which is black and tone down the color. It was a really tough choice to choose another outer for my trip. I have been thinking to get two outerwear for my trip of just one outer. In the end, I decided to get two outer to have more outfit choices for my trip.

到了第二天的穿搭吗 因为接下来就是去滑雪了,就没有花很多心思去打扮,。就只穿了内里和一件厚款的卫衣,然后也换上外套颜色,但是里面的卫衣还是特别抢眼。其实在外套方面我也犹豫很久,因为不知道要买一件还是两件,最后爱美的我就买了两件冬天外套。

For my day two trip, I have been wearing my skiing outfit for the rest of the day. But for my inner, I still wear my heat warm top and hoodies. Since skiing is an extreme sport to play, we actually sweat a lot, so we took off our beanie and neck warmer during our skii.


Winter Hoodies (LINK)
Winter Black Outer Wear (LINK)
Long John (LINK)

Products might be Out of Stock. But I will still put the link for references.

Day 3 Korea OOTD 第三天穿搭

My day 3 outfit is slightly colorful because my day 3 plan is going to the Gyeong Bok Palace. Since the place is more tone down I decided to wear this rainbow sweater on this day. I never thought that the sweater looks so long on me, so I just decided to wear my favorite tulle with my rainbow long sweater.

第三天的穿搭我就穿的比较色彩些,因为今天要去的参观点都是韩国王宫以前留下的宫殿。地方也很复古和色彩都比较单调, 所以这天我就穿了彩虹的毛衣,没想到穿上是很长的,在淘宝看的模特都是高挑啊,穿在自己身上就感觉很矮,哈哈!最后就配搭我自己爱穿的纱裙。从以前去日本穿,来到韩国也穿。

Surprisingly, this outfit looks so nice on me. I didn't know that a lot people wear Hanbok and photoshoots in Gyeong Bok Palace. Somehow, I also feel like I wearing hanbok as well, haha!

好吧 没想到我的穿搭那么好看。这里很多人喜欢租韩服然后在这里拍照,格外有气氛的。因为自己也是长纱裙,觉得自己像是穿韩服。

Since I am wearing a colorful sweater, I just wear my black outer on it. Underneath my white tulle, I wear two layers of leggings. That's why my bottom looks slightly bulky and heavy.


Rainbow Sweater (LINK)

Products might be Out of Stock. But I will still put the link for references.

Day 4 Korea OOTD 第四天穿搭

For the 4th day, I got the chance to wear hanbok and take some nice photos inside the indoor. I really like the hanbok that I choose. Not only we got to choose the hanbok we like, but we can also choose our headpiece to match our hanbok. I will share more photos on my day 4 itinerary in another post.


I focus on the layering style more for my day 4 outfit. A loose outer orange sweater and for the inner wear I wear a high neck inner wear with warmer. I choose a bright neon orange v neck sweater and a tight high neck innerwear. I am definitely not a fan of a high neck wear top, I am just not comfortable with my neck to cover up and it feels like suffocating.

第四天的穿搭,我还是搭了不同层次的穿搭。外面穿了比较大件的毛衣内里搭白色高领,内里是有加厚加毛的。 其实自己也不是很喜欢内里的高领,因为一直包着是有点不舒服的。

I forget to bring my leopard beret with me when we visit Seoul Tower. Therefore we did a quick shoot at Innisfree Cafe at Myeong Dong. My earrings are in leopard pattern too! I kinda like the matching for day 4 too. The color and add a little leopard pattern accessories to spice up the outfit.


High Neck Inner Top (LINK)
Leopard Beret (LINK)

Products might be Out of Stock. But I will still put the link for references.

Day 5 Korea OOTD 第五天穿搭

My last day outfit, I wear a simple pink sweater and underneath wear long john inner. Since we only have half a day to move around and we will fly off by afternoon. I plan my outfit pretty simple and straight forward.


This pink sweater is really cute and has some pretty details. But since is underneath my outer, The pretty details can't be shown. I'm thinking to wear it again.


Pink Sweater (LINK)

Products might be Out of Stock. But I will still put the link for references.

That's all for my sharing on my Korean OOTD that I wear for my Korea trip. Hopefully, it can inspire you for more winter outfit ideas.


Till then


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