By reading of my title of the post you definitely know that this is a chance for you to win some awesome prizes from Royal Expert. Everyone loves to win prizes and not only that you can also stay glowing and fairer skin too!

Royal Expert has been in this field since 2009 and also receive Malaysia Power Brand Award 2017 as well. Royal Expert started products with their single famous whitening cream, with ranges for men, women, and children. Royal Expert is expected to fuel rapid growth in the Malaysian, Indonesian, Indian and USA market. Also, launching soon is our wellness range, revolving around products that carry numerous health benefits. All their products are KKM approved.

What kind of laser experience you have tried and enjoy previously? Every time I heard about laser treatment, I was pretty scared and worry about how's the whole experience be like. Here I am at Skin Gym Laser Centre, finally exploring the goodness of laser treatment for my skin! 

Skin Gym Clinic and Medical Spa is a one-stop centre for all your aesthetic needs. As one of Malaysia’s emerging aesthetic clinics, Skin Gym Clinic always believes that everyone deserves to be beautiful from the inside out. All of their team are fully trained and certified doctors from Singapore will attend to your versatile needs from simple services to long, comprehensive treatments. Also, My Skin Gym always brings the latest technology in aesthetic medicine to ensure most up-to-date procedures and services for fast and effective options, readily available for their customers.

Ohai back to my favorite post of the week! I almost forget about this outfit that I wear it to Shiseido Waso launch last month. The theme of the launching is in tropical pastel theme, which consists of pastel yellow, mint, orange, blue and pink. However, I don't have any suitable tropical pastel theme outfit at my house now. All my pastel pink and blue is kinda limited pieces too at our house. I decided to go white and blue which are the safest choice that I could think of! Plus I got a lot of white + blue outfit recently too. Time to show off LOL

Pic Credits from Kurin
On the 17th August 2017, Kurin opens its first outlet in Nu Sentral Mall with a menu of delicious and nutritious poke bowls, salads, soba noodles, sushi donut, sandwiches, and pokeritto. Kurin is set to be the healthy grab ‘n’ go food brand of choice, customers can expect high-quality ingredients, speedy service and healthy eats from as low as RM 6. Kurin is the brainchild of enthusiasts, who share similar goals in living well-balanced lifestyles.

Read on to check out all the healthy protein food offer by Kurin!

距离上次写淘宝分享也将近一年了吧~哈哈。之前分享的也是秋季的衣服,而这次呢我要分享入秋必买单品哦!有时想为什么这里没有秋天呢,秋天的服装都很漂亮呢。可惜就是买了没有机会穿,除非你买了跑去shopping center穿或上云顶穿吧, 哈哈!
