Today will write a short post about a restaurant we eat at Santorini Park. I love this restaurant and you can say that the price of this restaurant is quite cheap compare to the other restaurant. The environment is really comfort and suitable for family dine in too.

2 banner infront of the restaurant.
Hi morning my friends, how was your long weekends spend? I am quite a happy girl now since I am away from town for few days. But holidays is going to end soon and is time to get to work again. 

Here's my first fashion post of the new month. We left 1 month till we reach half of the year. Although in these pass few months, I am still in a miserable stage. Not sure what should I do in my life, working for? Money? Or doing things I like? But God always plan ahead of us. I am thankful and grateful that I have God in my life. I spend sleepless night thinking about my life and pray to God.

Stop all the ranting ya! Gonna go through my first fashion post of the new fresh month!! A mint and fresh outfit on a Saturday weekend.

Finally I have finish editing my Day 3 photo at Santorini Park. It was one of my dream place that I wanted to go at Bangkok. We have total of 400++ photos and I finally choose out 68 photos that I super super like. It was a really tough time to choose photo because all the photos we took was so memorable and beautiful. 

When I start to write my Bangkok journey, it just make me miss the place more and miss how travel can make us forget all the things that we face. How we enjoy the trip and how Bangkok has amaze us by their culture, food and their beautiful scenery. Sometimes life is just making us wanted to runaway from everything and wish for our life to start over again.

Looking through the photos, I feel happy and grateful because I have the chance to visit all the wonderful places in Bangkok. Although we are first time here for our trip, but lucky me to have the one who are willing to take care and look after me. We do face problem and have different opinion when we are planning and travel in this trip. But we are still manage to finish this wonderful Bangkok trip together.

It's been a while since I use Polyvore to do some fashion collage that I really like. Although each set of collection really takes time to complete it, but all the design is definitely match it with my favorite accessories, make up, shoes and bags!

Although the item at Polyvore some will be repeating because of the new arrivals of the certain websites. But you can add your own item in it and match it with the outfit you want! Since I have wanted to write a post about Chicwish Skirt, I decided to do some fashion collage instead of just sharing the skirt I really like at their websites.

I will be share my own style and at the mean time sharing others style too!



Sunday, April 26, 2015 in ,

最近就觉得心里有很多想法, 不懂该怎么办

我现在是失业没错, 但是之前的工作发生了一些很严重的事情。然后其实在心灵上我也很严重受伤了。虽然外表是看不出, 我还是笑笑一副真的无所谓一样。其实就像典型的巨蟹, 我们会把一切的心事关在自己的壳里, 不让人家看见我们受伤的心灵。 那种没完没了的感觉真的很讨厌。

失业后接下来就是找工。我知道在这世上不是所有的人都可以找到自己可以付出的工作, 自己想要的工作和自己喜欢的工作。我觉得自己到现在还是不知道自己想要的工作。是为了钱?为了生活 ?感觉真的好累。我不知道为何这样的感觉会存在, 我每次都想问自己到底想要的是什么? 很多的钱?还是工作的热诚?

亲情方面因为受到工作的压力, 所以一直没完没了。有时不想面对, 因为其实自己也很多事情烦恼。在加上母亲的压力, 只让我很辛苦而已。然后就是觉得爱情应该和工作混在一起吗?可能一直有阴影, 怕事情做不好, 怕没有做到对方的要求然后被怪罪。然后就是很讨厌家人的不支持和不了解,然后一直说那些不鼓励和贬低你的话,让我觉得很辛苦。

朋友方面, 我觉得自己也没有做到很好。其实有时不是不想和朋友出去或者是没有朋友, 但是当你提问然后大家不得空的时候。你就会自然而然就会觉得失望了。之后慢慢你就不会提出想和朋友出去的提问了。所以与其让自己失望, 所以也就开始习惯一个人出去。我在想是不是应该找一个可以和自己意趣相投的朋友呢? 可以明白我的部落可以互相支持的朋友呢。

可能最近也是无所事事, 所以脑袋也开始想那些有的没的吧。其实很感谢昨天又和姐妹出去还一起谈一些生活遇到的瓶颈,她向我分享神一定看到你可以把你得意的事想跟别人分享,鼓励我去尝试新的工作环境。她说可以做喜欢的工作是一件很开心的事情,虽然当中她也是有很多挣扎但是原来神已经安排好一切了。我觉得很窝心,我也相信可以把自己喜欢的事情分享给朋友,希望可以帮助他们。





虽然未来路途茫茫,还是要多多祷告,seek for God's wisdom in life。


Good day my fellow friends, how's your weekend going on? Yesterday I was having an enjoyable breakfast with my friend and have the chance to go shopping at H&M too. Although the rain suddenly poured out around Kl town and many people was stuck in indoor. The rain start when I was just finish paying for my haul and I wanted to go Pavilion also.

I finally got a denim jacket and pants that I want. I even got a fringe top because of the Coachella music festival at other country, that are all about Fringes, Lace, and Bohemian style! H&M have many bohemian cloths and accessories for the special event although we don't have this festival in our country. But nevertheless, I really love fringe alot and wanted to find fringe top that I really like. So I got this white lace and fringe top too!

I can't believe that after 2 hours of walking, my leg feel sore and tired once I reach home. Start to feel old already because I remember during school time I usually walk from 11am until evening time 5 or 6pm, LOL. But now even few hours and I did take some rest, my leg still feel sore after the walking. 

hi my all friends, back to blog about nice foodie on  my blog. This will be a short post but comes with some really nice and delicious food. It was my first time here. I was amazed by their food and dining area. Last time I was here when I am attend event last few years before.

This was the first time I really dine here and get to enjoy the food.

My #sharonootd