Showing posts with label Purple Feeling

Woah My first time writing about my resolution feat the OOTDs photo that I take at JB at SYST 深夜食堂. Since the place here is much more vintage and hipster vibes, I find it is suitable for me to further think and write about my 2019 resolution with the photos I took here. Quite a personal post after for so long, let's just continue to read on. 

How time flies and we are now in 2018! Although I been seeing a lot started to share their recap of the year 2017, instead I will still be doing it on my blog. Which I can always read back and refer back to the coming years too. It's been a while since I write a long blog post on my blog. I guess I do not have the energy now to spending too much time in thinking and drafting a pot. But once I started, I can't stop writing and typing.

For the start of the year, there's not many updates and new things that happened as well. I pretty sure works and my life are pretty chill for now. I can't wait to explore new things and projects that will be coming soon too. So what about you? Are you excited for a new year new life experience?

Hello everyone is the time of the year to review and recap the previous year! Although 2015 is not a good year for me as there's a lot of ups and downs happened during the year. However, I still believe and trust that everything will soon become better in the year of 2016. Eventually, I believe so and yes everything is better in my life! Although it was not perfect, I mean not everyone life is perfect, but I can say that 2016 is a pre-transition year for my next stage of life and 2017 is going to be something bigger!

Looking through my best nine photos of the year 2016 is all about me and food! I can see that I change a lot throughout the year 2016. I learn a lot of makeup, went to Japan one of my favorite countries, eat a lot of good food during the year and gain some weight along the journey too. Feeling so unmotivated to exercise too because of the busy life I am having right now. But still here's the recap of my 2016 moving on to 2017! 

Bleaching hair for the year of 2017 is another biggest challenge for me too!

Hi guys, if you have been following my page or any social media you will have know about this Good News. Super grateful for all the wishes from my friends. I know some of my friends was quite surprise about it but I feel the same way also! haha I didn't even prepare for this!

Not that we didn't discuss about it, yes we did on and off we mention it before. My plan was to be the 5th year we been together meaning it will be next year. So for the proposal during Valentines it was never has I been imagine of. Since it been a while since I didn't receive any surprises from my boyfriend. When I ask him about the celebration for this year Valentines, he just tell me to be CHILL LA BRO kind of attitude.

Soooooo I didn't expect this PROPOSAL at all!!

Since my lover love this photo the most! So I gonna post it as my first image in this post.

Hopes I am still not too late for my Resolution 2016 post. Happy New Year again all! Can't believe time passes and 2016 is here. Although I have not been travel to other place in 2015 because I plan to go some where more exciting during 2016. Stay tuned in my instagram and facebook.

I went through my 2015 post about my 2015 resolution and guess I didn't write much about just continue to Love Life for 2015. Doing what we like is something really important in life so that you could live your life happier and easier. Although sometimes in life we are force to accept the circumstances in front of our life. 

I did mention about continue my love life in my 2015 resolution with him I guess everything has turns out well. I was really thankful to this and thank God that we have manage to go through the toughest part in 2015. 

2015 surely has been the most down moments in my life besides when my dad leaving us. I can't really imagine how I have been go through that period of my life alone. But all glory to God, I was strong and able to continue my journey with the Love in my life.

Not forget that are actually many Happy things happen in my life too!


Sunday, April 26, 2015 in ,

最近就觉得心里有很多想法, 不懂该怎么办

我现在是失业没错, 但是之前的工作发生了一些很严重的事情。然后其实在心灵上我也很严重受伤了。虽然外表是看不出, 我还是笑笑一副真的无所谓一样。其实就像典型的巨蟹, 我们会把一切的心事关在自己的壳里, 不让人家看见我们受伤的心灵。 那种没完没了的感觉真的很讨厌。

失业后接下来就是找工。我知道在这世上不是所有的人都可以找到自己可以付出的工作, 自己想要的工作和自己喜欢的工作。我觉得自己到现在还是不知道自己想要的工作。是为了钱?为了生活 ?感觉真的好累。我不知道为何这样的感觉会存在, 我每次都想问自己到底想要的是什么? 很多的钱?还是工作的热诚?

亲情方面因为受到工作的压力, 所以一直没完没了。有时不想面对, 因为其实自己也很多事情烦恼。在加上母亲的压力, 只让我很辛苦而已。然后就是觉得爱情应该和工作混在一起吗?可能一直有阴影, 怕事情做不好, 怕没有做到对方的要求然后被怪罪。然后就是很讨厌家人的不支持和不了解,然后一直说那些不鼓励和贬低你的话,让我觉得很辛苦。

朋友方面, 我觉得自己也没有做到很好。其实有时不是不想和朋友出去或者是没有朋友, 但是当你提问然后大家不得空的时候。你就会自然而然就会觉得失望了。之后慢慢你就不会提出想和朋友出去的提问了。所以与其让自己失望, 所以也就开始习惯一个人出去。我在想是不是应该找一个可以和自己意趣相投的朋友呢? 可以明白我的部落可以互相支持的朋友呢。

可能最近也是无所事事, 所以脑袋也开始想那些有的没的吧。其实很感谢昨天又和姐妹出去还一起谈一些生活遇到的瓶颈,她向我分享神一定看到你可以把你得意的事想跟别人分享,鼓励我去尝试新的工作环境。她说可以做喜欢的工作是一件很开心的事情,虽然当中她也是有很多挣扎但是原来神已经安排好一切了。我觉得很窝心,我也相信可以把自己喜欢的事情分享给朋友,希望可以帮助他们。





虽然未来路途茫茫,还是要多多祷告,seek for God's wisdom in life。


New year 2015 Resolution

Friday, January 02, 2015 in
Happy New Year 2015! This year first year post is about my New Year resolution of the year and some of my thought and thing I done in 2014. A quickly go through about the resolution I want to achieve in 2014.

To my Darling Baby Boy

Tuesday, December 23, 2014 in
哈咯,又要用华语写文章了。每次写华语的文章时都是写些关于心里的想法,我记得以前我常常会写我们一起甜蜜相处的日子。但是日子久了,我很少在Blog写些这样的东西了。原因是宝贝说因为部落格是公众的,所以不好一直给人看到我们甜蜜的照片,接下来就是自己也一直在为event, food和product写文章。然后其实我都一直想写关于你的文章,希望你看到也不要介怀。因为无论如何,我还是想写这篇文章。

20 facts about MYSELF

Tuesday, September 09, 2014 in

Hi guys, I know I post this super late because keep been tag by my friend and buddy. I wanted to write it on my blog and share it out here. Thanks for tag btw =) Recently keep working and busy, don't really have time to think of other things. This week will be less busy week for me but just staying at home really bored me, LOL.

Stop all the ranting and let's see how long can I think of the 20 facts about myself, LoL


1. I am 23 years old. ( Still young and childish)
2. I am a teacher. (Believe it or not)
3. Blogging is part of my life.
4. I am in a relationship with the most cute guy on earth.
5. I am just 156cm(155cm) tall.
6. And continue to gain weight to 48kg(ohmygawd)
7. I am a real lazy girl who always looking for some simple way to make myself looks great. 
8. I always have difficulties to choose what to wear everyday**.
9. But I always love shopping online and ended up
10. Buying clothes that I rarely wear.
11. I still enjoy wearing new clothes.
12. I love showing off new clothes I just bought. 
13. I love purple and PASTEL color.
14. Real HELLO KITTY fans.( she's a cute girl, okay!?)
15. I didn't wear make up to work.
16. I am a Shopaholic!!
17. Taiwan & Korea accessories is the BEST!
18. I always tend to follow fashion trends, such as now is the Autumn season, just feel like wanted to grab a loafer and short boots for myself.
19. I am always careless and forgetful girl.
20. I am who I am now that God has created me as =D.


End my 20 facts and I think that 20 is still not enough for me. There is still more to share about myself. But the 20 facts is basically who I really are right now. Thanks for the reading! Till then.

Find me:




Sunday, May 11, 2014 in
Hi peeps, gonna blog about my super love 18th Monthsary on the last day of March. hahaha! I postponed quite a lot of post and my Kk trip from last year until now also really upload the photos, lolol. This time our monthsary dinner was a bit special because we are gonna try some new food. Western food is a bit boring because we always eat also ma. So this time we are having monthsary steamboat at PV128 in a new Charcoal Steamboat. We reach there around 7pm and there was no people there also since is on the second floor. Not many notice this new steamboat place too!

No matter where we spend our monthsary or whatever Anniversary that we are gonna celebrate, what important is the Love that we have and able to spend time with Our Loves one.


Wednesday, February 19, 2014 in


1. 存钱当储蓄
2. 存钱旅行
3. 存钱自己用

储蓄是为了未来咯(结婚);旅行呢是因为有了他,我能够为所欲为到处旅行了;自己用吗,不要误会,我是一个爱网购的女生,我网购的钱大部分都是自己出钱的哦。除了外面SHOPPING都是他付钱,因为他总是有那种想法,不喜欢让女生给钱的精神!哈哈 但是网购我有时真的很疯狂,可以一个月一两百吧。然后因为妈妈其实超级反对我网购,所以我会把网购东西寄去他的家。所以久而久之,网购变成我上网之乐,也是有一段时间没有去好好购物。如果有去SHOPPING通常就买鞋子,首饰咯。衣服真的太多都是网购了,觉得超方便,如果真的太够力了,就得停一停了!哈哈

现在的我,也能在一年存钱可以买很贵的东西给自己,BUDGET 两三百。比如GUY LAROCHE钱包,DKNY香水。我知道可能对一些人来说真的不算什么,但是我能够拥有就已经很开心了。我真的没什么要求,但是如果我开口我知道我的他可以做给我。他一直很努力,他也不舍得我自己花钱买那么贵的东西。例如:第一个COACH的书包,都是他买给我的。我真的开心很久了! 然后我说我可以也一直COACH的,COACH的DESIGN很美啊,他就说不要啦,我希望可以买不同牌子的书包,结果今年就有个BurBERRY Frangance包包了。

我也会心疼他买那么多的东西。他每次都会把我所需要用到的东西准备好好给我,就算我只是一时说起,他也会尽量满足我。我就会觉得他太宠我了,等下搞到我欲求不满就惨了! 真的很谢谢他做的一切。我一直一直都会问她为什么要对我那么好,我通常也是不舍得花他的钱,但是他就会说喜欢就买给我的。

他一直都知道怎样让我开心,让我感动。有时自己做不到,然后觉得很愧疚,哈哈!我知道我不应该有这样的想法,但是我也是会怕自己做不到,所以只能一直一直爱他!要一起两年了,我们其实都很恩爱,每天见面,很喜欢抱对方。他那么大只真的很好抱咯,很舒服~我们啦。。其实应该是我很喜欢到处抱他的。我们有时也会吵架,因为他脾气比较臭,通常都是我做错事罢了。但是也是很奇怪的啦,明明有时他错,都是能够变成我的错的,因为他太厉害讲道理了 ,所以我每次输他。


Find Me:


Look back 2013 and Move ON 2014

Tuesday, December 31, 2013 in
Hello peeps, since today is the last day of the year 2013. This 2013 is been a year of prosperous and wonderful year for me. This is my first time writing my year of review, not so sure what should I write but nevertheless I will continue to write because 2013 happen too many happy things and I can't wait to share with all of you.

I know blogging life is hard to maintain because of our life. Life is so busy and we can hardly have time to blog or even writing a diary. So far blogging for me will still be a part of my life when 2014 comes. I will still will be sharing story with all of you, I am not sure who will be reading my blog but I do appreciate everyone who click into my post. I hope I can write better in 2014 and can continue to share my life experience in 2014! I hope you guys enjoy reading my blog post although I am not good in writing or even good in grammar. But I will improve and continue to write more! 

Forgetful is me x.x

Thursday, October 03, 2013 in

Just a simple post about my life, lol. As you guys know I just finish my masquerade event, I meant it preparing things in last minute sometimes really just pissed me off xD I bet when things doesn't went smoothly human are just really tend to get angry and pissed LOL Everyone do have a patience limit that we always hold on to our angry and one day it will burst out like gunshot. PIANG PIANG!! and you die all the way LOL

PTPTN Loan SETTLE *update*

Wednesday, August 14, 2013 in

Hey peeps, When you see the picture above then you'll know I'm going to blog about PTPTN Loan. PTPTN stands for Perbadanan Tabung Pendidikan Tinggi Nasional. It is a government load for students who can't afford to further studies. PTPTN will provide education loans to students pursuing their studies in local institutions of higher learning (IPT).


Friday, August 02, 2013 in
hey peeps,
This post will gonna be a bit special because.......................
Its hard to explain though~
hope you guys enjoy =D

please ignore this post if you feel my writing are ugly T^T

Life is full of obstacle

Friday, July 26, 2013 in
Life is full of obstacle. Is depends how you settle and overcome all the obstacle coming through.

This week I am having massive stress no matter from my work and other stuff. Communication basically is one important rules you have to learn in life and society like this. Once the communication break off something bad will probably happen such as: you feel uncomfortable with him/her, quarrel with one another and maybe you will see her/his back you will hate her/him forever, etc.

I kinda HATE to be a organizer or the main person in charge.(oh lol who will willing to) Because there a LOT of stuff you need to plan and figure it out. Especially when you are alone to handle all the happening stuff. If there are someone who can share my worry and give opinion that will be too great. (Maybe in a dream i guess)

Person in charge have a lot to in charge,such as arrangement of time to suit everyone to come for practice accordingly, arrangement of carpool , or complain from the Elder. LOL I hate owe people favor when we already asked them to come and join. But sometimes thing aren't all we expected to be, each human have their own thinking and perspective. Sorry if I have hurt anybody, including my students and my friend. I been very stressful to handle all these problems and the opinion that other people give to me.

Cry a bit due to stress and most probably because my hormones. But luckily I got one big guy who stood by my way and support everything I do in my life. Super sweet and caring of him =D

My biii even ask me to pray about it, haha. Guess I need to cool down my heart and concentrate more on God and how he gonna help me to overcome all the obstacle. I will be a TOUGH girl though +D


Thursday, July 11, 2013 in
在你想要放弃的那一刻,想想为什么当初坚持走到了这里 。

很明显就是自己懒惰罢了 = =


啊呼, 啊呼,啊呼




Friday, September 14, 2012 in
I'm back
kinda weird feel rite
always on BLOG LOL

Yesterday was a messy day for me
Lost my HDD (I guess..STUPID!?)
What's wrong with my student?!
I'm tired of seeing them with that attitude
Is not that they are tired or what
I'm the one who are 付出最多 
End of story

Guess what I just go home with a tired heart
hoping just lay on bed and FA DAI
Then I just got A preeettty Purple rose
Surprise again~~ from my Boy 
He love to give me surprise
Them I'm the one who love surprise
Feel touching deep in my heart
and so I cry
He still can do this kind of stuff although he is in Melbourne~
mIssIng hIm

Lovely Purple Roses
All 20~

Guess what
My mum was involved in this!!
They always do this kind of thing~
I gonna 套我妈咪话
and I'm the one who doesn't know anything

June Surprise

Saturday, June 30, 2012 in
super lazy blog here!!
lazy go on9
lazy watch drama
Beh Tahan to myself
But June is full of SURPRISE~!!
Work surprise
Boyfriend surprise
Birthday surprise
Kinda tired with surprise already
Is not la ( joking)
Working surprise does not  make me happy!!
They like BABOOM us with booms
And we get hurt into HOSPITAL
have enough liao LOL
I know work is like this.......
But I hope to work with great pleasure and not in busy environment

And what like do SALE only~~
I still rmb my coordinator say
Company does not see how good you teach but is your figure 0.0!!
Into the trap liao
BECAUSE I hate doing SALES~~~
target target target~~~~~~= =
But I think all work also come with sales.....
i long time din BOU drama liao T^T 
my korean and tvb drama GG liao~~~
busy busy busy~
work and PAK-thor