Time to share my Valentines looks and celebration. Valentines has been special for me since I have been proposed on that day. Although we are not the kind fancy couples who always think of big celebration on a special occasion, but able to be with each other has been a great blessing to me. For this year Valentines, I opt for my favorite purple color for this celebration. I love love the color combo for today look too! Read more to see the full look of my Valentines look.
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Sweet Birthday Celebration at rêver Restaurant
Friday, July 28, 2017
in Birthday, Celebrations, Fine Dining, Food, Food Blogger, Food Review, Foods, Happy Birthday, Purple Foods, Purple Special event, rêver Restaurant
Throwback my birthday post at rêver Restaurant. Rêver Restaurant is a Modern French Restaurant located at Jalan Kuching. Around the area there's a lot of lighting deco for you to take pictures with. However during the day we visit, there raining like cats and dogs where we couldn't take pictures with all the beauty deco.
At Rêver Restaurant they do not offer spacious dining area, but I love how it was more to cozy and quiet dining experience here.
Parisan Hi-Tea @ Cafés Richard, Sky Avenue
Sunday, July 09, 2017
in Anniversary, Celebrations, Food, Food Blogger, Foods, Genting Highlang, hi-tea, High Tea, Purple Foods, Purple Special event, Sky Avenue
A short post here on how I celebrate my 5 years anniversary with my Hubby! This is our first celebration after our marriage, as you can imagine, our celebration was quite near to other celebration dates too. This time I request to celebrate at Sky Avenue, ever since it open I haven't been to visit there. And I know there is quite a few new restaurants open there too.
Counting 5 Years together, it neither to be not too long and neither to be not too short as well. I remember when I told my hubby that we can plan our marriage after 5 years together. But I couldn't have imagined he propose me last year during Valentines and we get married this year May. Time passes too fast that I would definitely be grateful for all the blessings and love that I have.
All About MY Wedding Decor #JNSWED2017
Friday, July 07, 2017
in Celebrations, DIY, JNS, JnSWedding, JnSWedding2017, Purple Special event, wedding, Wedding Decor
Hi guys, finally I manage to sort out some time to work on my wedding post on my blog. Today post will be more on the recap of my church and dining hall decor that I have designed and do it myself. A wedding planning is definitely not easy as I thought it was, the energy and time you work on will be very exhausting.
Talk about while we are close to the date, both of us are slacking, tired and stress on what is still left for prepared. Since I take a whole week off before my wedding date, staying at home can be stressful because you might be getting anxious and stress out while doing nothing at home.
I am glad we made to the day itself, can't really wish or wanted for more. This whole wedding might not be the perfect wedding I want, but at least in my heart, it holds a great meaning and journey for me in the future.
Season of Joy at Renaissance Kuala Lumpur Hotel
Tuesday, December 13, 2016
in Buffet, Celebrations, Christmas Buffet, Food, Food Blogger, Food Review, Foods, Hotel, Hotel Buffet, Purple Foods, Purple Special event, Renaissance Kuala Lumpur Hotel

As the year comes to an end and the festive season looms ahead, it's the perfect time to gather with family and friends to celebrate. It's time to plan your visit to TEMPTationS, Dynasty Restaraunt (non-halal), Vogues Cafe and Gazebo by the poolside for a diverse selection of flavors for Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year.
Can't wait for all this festive to come and enjoy all the yummy buffet together with friends and family members. Although I am not quite a buffet person, but to me Christmas is a very important festive where I can spend time with my family and friends. Exchanging gifts and share love to one another it was the best and happiest moment in life. It's also a time of thankful and forgiving too.
DIY Pre Wedding Shoot by the Beach @ Alunan Resort, Pulau Perhentian
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
in Celebrations, DIY, JNS, Pre wedding, Purple Special event, Snowman Wedding, wedding, Wedding photo
Hi lovelies, kinda miss out to share my Pulau Perhentian trip post! Actually this trip is quite spontaneous and thanks to Bosch & Lombs we got the FREE 3 Days 2 Night stay at Alunan Resort with Breakfast. We didn't prepare like under water pouch to captures any baby sharks, turtle and fishes when we go for snorkeling. Kinda regret but nevertheless I still manage to enjoy throughout this trip and seeing all the creatures under sea is really memorable and exciting.
After visiting Pulau Perhentian with all the Sun, Blue Skies and the sound of Waves every morning, it actually make me quite addicting and missing every part of this moment I stay at Pulau Perhentian. You see beaches and sea has this kind of magic will make you wanted to visit more and more beach.
25th Birthday Celebration @ Revolving Bintang Restaurant. Federal Hotel
Monday, July 04, 2016
in Birthday, celebration, Celebrations, Federal Hotel, Foods, Purple Foods, Purple Special event, Revolving Bintang Restaurant
Gonna do a quick update on how I spend my Birthday last week. My boyfriend has plan all without my concern. I keep asking since a week before, he keep don't want to answer my question directly. But I always like to keep asking him until he feel annoyed and begging me not to ask him anymore. Nevertheless, we actually celebrated my birthday early since my birthday fall on weekdays. Which I never really care to take leave.
Birthday is just like any normal day to celebrate my birthday and my born date. Feeling grateful to able to born into this world, thanks to my parents. I am still growing healthy and happily everyday. Thank God that I be able to breathe everyday and able to enjoy my life to the fullest with the one I love.
Valentines Proposal 2016 #JNS
Saturday, February 20, 2016
in Celebrations, Happy Valentines Day, JNS, Marriage, Proposal, Purple Feeling, Purple Special event, Valentines
Hi guys, if you have been following my page or any social media you will have know about this Good News. Super grateful for all the wishes from my friends. I know some of my friends was quite surprise about it but I feel the same way also! haha I didn't even prepare for this!
Not that we didn't discuss about it, yes we did on and off we mention it before. My plan was to be the 5th year we been together meaning it will be next year. So for the proposal during Valentines it was never has I been imagine of. Since it been a while since I didn't receive any surprises from my boyfriend. When I ask him about the celebration for this year Valentines, he just tell me to be CHILL LA BRO kind of attitude.
Soooooo I didn't expect this PROPOSAL at all!!
Since my lover love this photo the most! So I gonna post it as my first image in this post.
My Birthday Celebration @ Bongoya, Jaya One
Sunday, July 12, 2015
in Birthday, Bongoya, Celebrations, Event, Food, Foods, Jaya One, Purple Foods, Purple Fun ^^, Purple Special event
Hi lovely, this week was a hectic for me as I was really busy with my church activities. It was been so long since I really join and help out in events. It was really tiring and fun as well. I am no longer that age that can always stay so late night. Sorry that I will be neglected my blog this weekend. But there's more fun and joy to share my post to all of you guys.
This year was my 24th Birthday and birthday seems not that important to me any more. I only wish to be the together to the one I love and with my little family members. I am not much a party people, but important is you are being loved by people around you. I still feel bless with loved and bless by people around me.
Birthday Date @ One City, Skypark
Friday, July 04, 2014
in Birthday, Celebrations, Foods, Purple Foods, Purple Fun ^^, Purple Special event
Shall continue my birthday dinner post at One City, Skypark. We been here the whole day, and there's even have cinema here so if you live nearby you can always come skypark for some movie and chilling place. After lunch, baby prepare a massage session for me to let me rest and relax my body. It was a super relaxing and surprisingly healthy massage about all our body ache. I learnt a lot and the massage is awesome just that the venue is a bit far for me, sigh.
We ended our massage session at 6pm and we decide went for 10th floor for some nice view. The view is very nice and windy. Too bad the sky is fill with hazy weather that day and can't really see the sky clearly. Each view from the corner is different, and you can see everyone there is busy taking photos of the view with friends and lover, lolol. So do we! Here come my photos~weeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Is me!
Birthday Lunch @ Charlie Chaplin One City
Thursday, July 03, 2014
in Birthday, Celebrations, Foods, Purple Foods, Purple Special event
Hi guys, finally I'm able to update my birthday post now. I will be separate my birthday post to 2 part because they are just too many happy things to share. I have write my birthday thoughts on my previous birthday post with church member. This post will be my birthday lunch at this special place. It's my first time here, and this place is amazing. I really can't describe how amazing it is because it is a different view when you see it with your own eyes and from photos.
I am working on my birthday and have to rush to here at On City, Skypark. I have no idea where my baby will bring me to. But when I saw the signboard and I know! haha! We reach there around 1pm with slight jam and there are always many cars on Saturday. I hate Saturdays cars~~~ haha I quickly get change and do my make up in the toilet lol. I some more bring dress to wear because I never know where he gonna bring me ma. But luckily I got this cute outfit from Twenty3. I will post some of the outfit on the next post.
I never know that my baby decide to bring me have delicious lunch. When I first saw this cafe, it really catch my attention - Charlie Chaplin Cafe. We went straight to upstairs seat because wanted to have some quite time together. But there are construction going on and it was noisy. We decided to have our sweet lunch at downstairs. Before we went downstairs, we take some nice photo there! The interior design here is just too awesome for not to take photo with it xD
Birthday Bash with Anakainos
Monday, June 30, 2014
in Anakainos, Celebrations, Purple Fun ^^, Purple Special event
Hi guys, if you have add my facebook or instagram, you'll know that I have celebrated my birthday last Saturday. It's a happy and wonderful celebration for me. But I will start of with this early celebration with my church member, Anakainos. We have cakes during our cell group on Thursday. It was quite a surprise because I never think of it until someone called my darling. haha! I thought they might have it on Sunday. But I was quite happy and really feel touch but really don't dare to show out my happy and touch expression xD
Birthday happened once a year and is a memorable day to remember. I am very thankful that all the wonderful things happen to me. Family, friends and even my baby boy I am happy to have them. Without them then will not have the happy me now. I know we need to face many obstacles in life, relationship problem, personal problem but all these obstacle will make you stronger and make you a better person in the future. Our life is not perfect and we need God guidance to lead us. God has created each of everyone to be his own unique human. I am really happy and thankful that I am born in this special day that God has created me.
Although this Birthday I didn't manage to celebrate with my family. I am grateful also that my dear mum has give birth to me and my brother who always be the one and only brother who loved me!=D
Super candid group photo that I like!
2nd Year Anniversary @ Fuego Restaurant & Bar
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
in Anniversary, Celebrations, Purple Special event
I am here for our 2nd Anniversary post. Our love anniversary is on the 18th of June 2012. Time pass so fast that we been together for two years already. The love journey is never been easy as you guys know. Love is such a big knowledge that we will never understand. Since not everyone is perfect and we both have different family background, different thinking and different opinion the journey will never be same if you have another person you love stay by your side. During the time we spend together, we did argue like normal couple, but no matter what our heart already stick together. Both of us has already decide that we are each other life partner already.
I always feel bless and love by him a lot. He always care for me, love me, support me whenever I needed him. Love is so amazing because we changed for each other. I feel so amazing that when you been with the person you love for a long time, slowly you will have a bit of their look, their personalities, its seems like you will be more and more understand each other. We have been through argument and we was sorry for each other childishness.
Now we still have long journey to be together. I hope that no matter what we can always hold hand together and face obstacle together. I always have this feeling that I don't know what will happen to me when I live without you. You were always there, when I sick, when I bored, when I tired, when I cried, you always comfort me and love me. I appreciate your love and care for me hence make me the most happiest girl in the world =D
Wedding Post ❤
Saturday, June 21, 2014
in Celebrations, Purple Fun ^^, Purple Special event, Twenty3, wedding
Some late post that I been wanted to post but late already. But nevermind I still want to share this precious moment out with my friends. June is a month of love and happiness. During this month of love, many couples will marry and went to another journey of their life. June is my most favorite month of all because is our Anniversary month and my Birthday month. Although both day is very close to each other, but I still enjoy the moment of happiness and love share together.
Still got 1 week more till my birthday, but somehow the feeling is not so there. I don't know why I feel this way, maybe because as people is growing and aging. Birthday seems to be not very important anymore - It will be the day we born. The thinking start to be mature and change, is not that birthday is not fun anymore. But we just treat it on a another way, a more mature way. To my baby, I'm appreciate that I am born and I can meet him and be the important girl in his life. To my mum, I'm appreciate that I will be forever her baby girl in her life and thanks for giving birth to me. Now my birthday is not here yet, sorry for all the ranting though xD
Anniversary is always with love! Not that I doubt =D I still haven't post my Anniversary celebration yet~~~haha!
The wedding that I attend is my church member wedding. Although that day we are late, went to Pavilion and KL town area only went back. But I'm happy to attend this wedding and you can feel lots of love when you attend a wedding! I still remember that last year June we attend wedding too =D Nothing much happen but lots of love and gonna spam my post with lots of photo that I precious it !
Me and Michelle dearie.
21st Steamboat Monthsary!!
Sunday, March 30, 2014
in Celebrations, Purple Feeling, Purple Special event
Hi peeps, gonna blog about my super love 18th Monthsary on the last day of March. hahaha! I postponed quite a lot of post and my Kk trip from last year until now also really upload the photos, lolol. This time our monthsary dinner was a bit special because we are gonna try some new food. Western food is a bit boring because we always eat also ma. So this time we are having monthsary steamboat at PV128 in a new Charcoal Steamboat. We reach there around 7pm and there was no people there also since is on the second floor. Not many notice this new steamboat place too!
No matter where we spend our monthsary or whatever Anniversary that we are gonna celebrate, what important is the Love that we have and able to spend time with Our Loves one.
20 Monthsary - Our love is strong
Monday, February 24, 2014
in Celebrations, Purple Special event
My 20 monthsary post is up! A bit late to post sorry ya because was quite busy and lazy to do anything lately, haha. Mainly spend many time at work and weekend spend time with family and lover. Then my private is only can be night but working at teacher need to wake up early. My sleep time have to be early also lol. Start to have busy life at school hope I can cope with my busy schedule and blog! Deep inside my heart I have a lot of post wanted to share with you guys.
This 20 months is kinda a special month, we didn't forget but as usual we did celebrate have a simple dinner together. I did told babe that our Valentines just pass then our monthsary day is here! haha On this 18th of the month we happen to have some argument and make us both unhappy. I was super sad and don't know what to do when my darling boy didn't choi me and I was alone doing my own stuff. I see the time pass and wonder how's the dinner and celebration. T^T
But my darling still bring me to dinner at 8pm at Full House at Wangsa walk. And we still didn't have any conversation and my heart really feel uncomfortable then.
Happy Valentines Day
Saturday, February 15, 2014
in Celebrations, Foods, Purple Foods, Purple Fun ^^, Purple Special event
HAPPY VV DAY TO ALL~~ Because today is Chinese Valentine and Western Valentine today so the short form will come in VV day today! haha Happy Double Valentine to all the couples from all the world. If you are single don't worry be happy and don't worry ya, one day you will find your one and only appear in your life. I can't be thankful of what I have and God have given to me. Wonderful family and bibi in my life. It's feel so wonderful and happy every time I am with him. This year is our 2nd time Valentine together. I know our love is not that long like anybody who have been in 4-5 years relationship. But I always felt that our love can be forever and until the worlds end. haha!
Chinese New Year Day 9 & 10 with Anakainos
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
in Celebrations, Purple Fun ^^, Purple Special event
Hi all, I will continue my Chinese New Year post until end of this coming friday which is the last day of CNY and it's Valentine also! haha The photo above is me and my darling first time jogging at Titiwangsa. I think I have stop jogging for few years also and now for a healthy lifestyle I have to start to do sport and jogging is one of my top favorite sport. haha! I am so happy because baby boy still accompany jog although he thinks that jogging is boring lol. I think mostly girls jog more than guy lo, because I am so poor in sports like badminton, ping pong and basketball. Jogging is the most easiest and relax exercise that I can only cop with it.
Chinese New Year Day 4 with Loves
Friday, February 07, 2014
in Celebrations, Foods, Purple Foods, Purple Special event
hey all, I will continue My Chinese New Year Post on Day 4. I just back from Melacca on Day 3 CNY. It was a bit jam but not a heavy want. We still reach Kuala Lumpur around 2 hour + of journey. Although we were a bit scare that when we back on a Sunday night will be terrible jam lar. But luckily just some of the area like Jasin and Seremban area will always be jam. We were all tired after hours of sitting inside the car. No joke, until my buttocks also pain already @@ When we are back from kampung, my mummy will bring a lots of stuff up to Kuala Lumpur and the car is basically pack with all stuffs xD Still we manage to move up all stuff in just 1 round and get to rest around 12am! LOL
The next day is WP replacement holiday ma, so is a no working day for me I just blogging half day through and went to Amanda's house during 3pm! Is my first bai nian house since I back from Melacca lol, haha. Although just 4 girls and 1 guy(my baby), we still let's go lar don't care how many people like that and we are here at Amanda's house!
Chinese New Year Day 1 to Day 3
Friday, February 07, 2014
in Celebrations, Purple Everyday, Purple Special event
Hi all, will be rushing to write few Chinese New Year post before Chap Gor meh(CNY last day). How did I actually spend my Chinese New Year though, it was quite red on the first day because something is coming!! LOL As first day thought to wear dress but because period is here so I have to wear normal shirt and pant on that day! My first day is actually quite bored + fun because I can spend my lunch time with my darling boy family and his 公公. I get a lots of angpow on that date lunch also! Although I can't wear dress on the first day but I manage to same couple shirt with my darling. haha
Although I am a Christian but I do celebrating Chinese New Year back to my granny 's house. Sinc my daddy is not around so we usually back to mummy side that is to Melacca. Although the Chu xi we plan to back to Melacca but things weren't as we plan. That is some problem came up and we manage to start journey at 1pm and reach Tangkak ( my Aunt's house) around 3pm. I feel so bless because I have my big darling here to support me and my family. I love his quote saying, Love me and must Love my family too!!
My darling boy with his nephew.