With food post again, but this time is different having this food with my lovely friend, Pamela. My darling is having a wedding job at Sekinchan. =D Pamela is so nice to fetch me after work at Damansara and we headed to Paradigm Mall for our lunch and shopping spree.

Usually you guys know that, Everyday that has to be a question to ask, WHAT TO EAT? This is a common question that everyone will be asking, no matter with friends or family ~ But same as Pamela, we are both fan for Korean Food and Japanese food~ So as we still figure what to eat, and we decided to go for Japan food, sushiii xD Because either of us wanted to have noodle or rice that have many carbo ~

Here we are at Watami, Japanese Casual Restaurant. I just went this restaurant for the second time =D If not really notice I would thought that is the first time I been here lol, is in 1 Utama.

It's First day of September, yesterday mostly they slept at 2:30am and wake at 7:30am. Time for going to church, everyone is still tired and lazying around @.@ So it's a bit late when we reach Steph's Church ~ Because unprepared of going to a Church, Mostly girls just wearing shorts so have to borrow long pants from Stephanie =D 

#1 We are soo LATE!! xD

Sorry now only continue my post to Ipoh, been thinking is it okay to separate my Ipoh trip to few post? LOL Because I have too many photos to upload LOL!!  I still got 100+ photo waiting for me zzzz

Okay, back to the trip lolz, after a visit to Kellie's Castle. I thought they wan  to back to Steph's house but instead decided to have a coffee break at a Kopitiam~ Unfortunately the Kopitiam close and we have to choose this NAM HEONG OLD TOWN WHITE COFFEE to drink. Although me and my boyfie is not a coffee lover, but that's nothing wrong to have a try right? haha So we got ourselves a hot white coffee, I am still not felling well  →_ 

#1 The White Coffee and The Kopitiam =D Ipoh really do famous with their old town white coffee 

elloooo, continue our trip =D Due to much photos so I decide to make it few post about my trip~ LOL Although just 3 days 2 nights >0<

We are heading to Kellie's castle ~~~ So happy because I also wanted to go there xD I think besides eating, go jalan - jalan also very important too!! Is just a 30-40 minutes to Kellie's Castle. What are we doing in the car, Me basically just sleeping on bibi arms =D LOL Woman sickness ARGH!!! Super sien zzzz =目

#1 Not to forget, the SUN is super HOT!!! @.@ We actually got like is there necessary we need to go there because the sun is way to HOT! LOL But we got ask for umbrella lol, so we walk by umbrella LA! hahaha

Holaaaa~~ is weekend again and gonna post some interesting stuff happen in MA life~ I been wanted to go Ipoh for so long (did I!?) LOL Anyway, me and my church friends are planning a Ipoh Food trip this weekend 31st August 2013. I am so gonna join this with my boyfie!!! Is my first went there and because one of our church friend live there as well, and beside we need to pay for our transport and food, we gonna stay at Her house for 2 nights and it was so naise of her to let us stay at her house >.<

We start our journey to Ipoh on Friday after Prayer meeting around 10:15pm. What we not expected is the Jam to Ipoh LOL. We got 3 cars and 5 girls 5 guys going to Ipoh. We reach Ipoh around 1:am+. We headed straight for our first station of our Food Stop. Actually I really don't have any idea where all the good food are, but thanks to Justin our dai gor bring us to!

Our first stop is coming for this 烧肉档口 Siew Yok xD Looks super nice don't know how the taste will look like~

Angel in the Forest

Thursday, August 29, 2013 in ,
ello peeps, back to shooting theme today. As we had already plan from last week, but it did not went well due to bad weather. So we postpone to 24th August, since is a no work day for me =D YEAH~ We didn't set the time to wake, but for me as usual when I knew the next day is SHOOTING, I will having insomnia or wake early AUTOMATIC. Ah~ have no control over it = = I some more go online and check on the weather for today LOL Super STRESS like that!!

I wake around 7:30am, mum have to work~~ I didn't prepare straight instead of  lacking around @.@ My bii wake up around 8+am and called me. I told him I will be okay whenever you are ready =D So I start make up and wear contact lenses for the first time for shooting LOL. I spend 1 hour to gao dim all this~

About the weather,is actually looks NAY, but I STILL BELIEVE it will be okay soon.>0<  This angle theme my bii has plan quite sometime and hope that can shoot me as his angel xD We decided to shoot at Bukit Nanas Forest but we have no luck the forest is CLOSED for reno!! Oh no~ I was a bit dissapointed then but we managed to look for other places and I decided to go for The Lake Garden since is near to us.

SWIPE Ant World

Monday, August 26, 2013 in
Hi peeps, Actually wanted to have this post after I am having this SWIPE class =D Our Swipeland is on the 13th and 14th of August during school holidays. This is my first time teach Swipe at my own school. I teaches at other school because My school don't have swipe but we decided to open a 8 hour class for STD 1, 2 and 3. The title will be SWIPE Ant World.

But because most of them didn't know swipe before, so we have a small introduce for the students. Picture below is the small box of LEGO parts for building. This Lego sets is different then usual Lego box you buy from shopping centre. Because Swipe Box contains CPU, wires, tyre, and sensors etc.

Besides that, we must teach student to keep all these lego parts nicely back into the box~