I'm in love with this outer shoot. Despite my busy schedule of all my blog post, let me update a quick and short update about my favorite outer of the month. Plaids checkers outer has been really hype recently. When the hype started, I actually got pants, skirt and even outer of the same patterns. 

I immediately fall in love with the patterns. I wear the plaids skirt last week too. It's been a while since I am wearing a skirt too. Definitely can't wait to share with you guys about my love for this plaids pattern.

During last 2 weeks, I have been invited to join the Finale of Slimplezy Challenge that is organized by JONLIVIA. So what is this Slimplezy Challenge about? This is the first time ever major challenge sponsored by JONLIVIA® to pit 20 people against one another to a fitness goal and healthier lifestyle! It was a 1.5 month of Slimplezy Challenge for the participants to sweat out and also able to win some exciting prizes for the top 3 finalists!

Never in my life so in love with wigs and actually learn and watch videos on youtube too. Wigs is a really great option when comes to styling and doing a different style of makeup look too. You can't be bothered changing hair color each time for different makeup look or cut or trim your hair whenever you like. In this case, hair wigs will be the solution that you needed.

Why Wigs?

Disclaimer: This post is a sponsored post, but the views and opinions stated are of the author alone.

Recently I have gone to one really nice and pretty new cafe at Publika. Not only the cafe serves delicious serving but also it was a great place for a chill date out too. MANDALA  Cafe and Bar definitely a fusion place for you to not only dine in but also get to enjoy some of their house wine serving and cocktail too!

Let's just go through some of the must try and recommended dish at MANDALA Cafe and Bar, Publika. Since Publika had numerous cafes for you to hang out with friends. But I would definitely recommend MANDALA for a simple and nice dinner with friends and your loves one too. 

Yes!! I am back for my face of the month post after stopped for the last few months. It was a busy few months for me before 2017 ends. Now to start fresh again and hopefully I can maintain this post once every month. I need more inspiration too to create different makeup and eye look for my post. In the future, I will like to invest some lightning to show more details of my eye makeup look too.

For today theme is this Spacey Eye look, thinking of names is the most difficult part whenever I blog about my Face of the Month. Surprisingly this eye look color has the same color as my hair too!